We will discuss concepts in class.
You will have weekly programming assignments.
You do not have to do it alone, but you must be self-motivated.
You can ask me and other members of the class.
You must start assignments early.
Getting the homework correct is not enough.
The first time you solve something it could take days, and may
require help. Once you get a solution, you are not done.
First, try to make your code as simple as possible. It should be
self-explantory to an average programmer, and include no
unnecessary conditionals or extra lines of code.
Then, create a copy of the homework and erase your solutions.
Upon waking the next day, attempt to redo the problems. Do not
look at your previous solution. Do not ask for help, either from
friends or from the internet.
Repeat this process until you can write each single function
correctly in five minutes or less. Only then have you
internalized the problem.
Try to invent a variant of the problem that is easy to solve once
you know how to solve this one.
the Chronicle of Higher Education: People often
mistake familiarity for understanding. They open the textbook after
getting home from a lecture, and they recognize the material. They
think: I get this. Then they take a test -- and bomb it.
I do not give out solutions to homework problems.
I will show every solution during lecture.
What I suggest is that while watching you lecture, you pause on any code you'd like the solution for, and type it in.
I firmly believe that you will learn something in the process, that you will not learn by simply looking at my solution.
How to succeed:
Be present.
Articulate your intention.
Ask for help.
Forgive yourself.