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What are the major strengths and weaknesses of the instructor?2. Prof. Riely knows the subject that he is teaching and is very passionate about it. He is accessible whenever needed through email or other. I have no weaknesses to comment on about him. 3. The instructors homework assignments were well organized and successfully got across the point. The website for the course was exceptionally well put together. 4. He is really smart and funny. 5. extremely knowledgeable of the material. Respectful of all questions posed. 6. He is full of passion. His way of teaching is proper to me that I can understand what he taught most time. 7. Prof Riely is very knowledgeable and articulate. 8. Keeps class interesting and lively. Pushes students to learn. Accessible via email. Technically proficient. 9. - Has good knowledge in field and is always ready to answer questions in class- Need to organize projects better | |||
What aspects of this course were most beneficial to you?2. Everything. I was opened up to many new aspects of programming. 3. The homework assignments were the most beneficial part of the course. They supplemented the lecture and reading material very well. 4. Learn not just reuse the code but the ideas. 5. homework - pretty hard for me and took a long time - i'm not the quickest study - but it help bring cohesiveness to the lectures. By the end of the course - I think I'll get most of it. 6. Programming thought and programming ability. 8. It has made me a better programmer - caused me to see code differently. Is directly applicable to my work. 9. - Class lectures and supplemental reading materials | |||
What do you suggest to improve this course?2. Nothing. 5. wish there was a bit more discussion on in the discussion group. 6. Encourage participation from the students 8. Cover more patterns. 9. - Need to add more structure to projects. The intent may have been to leave it a bit open ended so as to encourage creativity, but felt it was left too open and at times felt lost | |||
Comment on the grading procedures and exams2. Recieving grades a bit soon would be beneficial, but everyone is busy occasionally. This was still not a problem. 6. Good. 8. Extremely fair grading. No surprises on exam - exactly what was covered. 9. Fair and impartial | |||
Other comments?1. I feel like a better name for the course would be "Patterns and Advanced Java". While the teaching style was great, the information seemed more like a vocabulary list style memorization exercise, at least at first. 2. Great course. Challenged me thoughout the course from week 1. 6. Of course, I will take this instructor for another course. He is the first instructor for me in DePaul and he is very impressive to me. 7. I think the hardest part of the course was the final project. It required extensive work. 8. I'm very happy with this class overall. 9. I believe Prof. Reily is a very knowledgeable person and has great interest in the field. I also feel his lectures are quite stimulating and informative, however, as stated earlier, may need improvement in the "hands-on" or practical teaching methods. |